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Constellation of vast of · of new letter meaning

From;  Author:Stand originally
Building dish name: Constellation of vast of Xin Hongyi ·
  is in area: [Include river division]
Type of   bridal chamber: The residence [be about to appear on the market]
  price: One room one price¥
Attribute of   building: Commodity house
  develops business: House property of Anhui Hong Xiang
Place of   project: Too lake on Lukedanamen
  selling office: The area that include a river too to lake road, in the family is big south
Phone of building of   carry out: 0551-4650888
  opens to booking licence:
Card of   house property is attributive: Hefei
  sells information: 30 - apartment of 70 ㎡ fashionable originality / predict to was rolled out September
  meets room time: Made a room 2010
Category of   property: High level
  decorates a state: Semifinished product
  builds a category: Frame cuts force fence
Situation of   transportation: 1, 117, 126, 226, 108, 145, 148, 150, 158
  covers an area of an area: 11400
  afforest leads: [Lead about afforest] 43 %
  total floor area: 60282M2
  learns region house: Old attached primary school of division old attached middle school, division, too lake grade elementary school
  recieves time: 8: 30—18: 00
Company of   representative: Sale adviser: World couplet is landed (Hangzhou) , integrated promotion: Yi Chengan is accused (Shenzhen)
  invests business: Xin Hongyi is landed